George had trained himself not to look when passing by any fun park, he got this nostalgic feeling that brought tears to his eyes.
He knew not to sit on the front pew during mass, the priest’s gaze strips him off his clothing and his dirtiest secrets.

If only George knew other things too…
Like the shows to refuse and the ones to accept!

George watched in amazement as the crowd screamed and cheered! Some were not patient enough to remain in their seats! The hall was on fire and no one was running, not even wise George.

The singer was petite, and simply dressed in a flowered chiffon dress. From George’s position, it was difficult to discern what her face looked like, but from all positions and to all positions, her voice reached into the most secret places of all persons seated.

The reaction to this performance shouldn’t be noise, so why the mad frenzy?
It was normal for the crowd to jump and leap and scream while He performed, but abnormal right now!
He wanted to scream at them to sit and listen and maybe shed a tear or two…well, it was ok to cry, but a crime to laugh.

She was singing Phil Collins’ “All of my life”
George had performed this song more than a dozen times himself but apparently the meaning in the song had been lost on him all those times.
She was soulful. Well, what else could he call her? How else could he describe her?
She was dressed for the song, she was the song.

The crowd became wild as she ended the song and magically started Whitney
Houston’s “One moment in time”
If she didn’t have Collins’ finesse, she sure had Whitney’s lungs!

“Who the hell are you?”
He asked no one, staring fixedly at the stage.

He would be going on that stage in 5minutes and for the first time in a long time, he was scared.

He didn’t hear her finish the song. He didn’t see her leave the stage.
He didn’t hear the host scream for Tade George, until he screamed again and again. “Next time, I’d stay close to my band” he mentally noted as he rose, searched for his famous smile and walked to the stage where his band boys were already waiting poised by their instruments.

The band struck a popular beat and he smiled at the audience, forgot ‘miss soulful’ and began to move to the rhythm of the beat!

If George got no success in music, he could always switch careers…he was a delight to watch on stage. He hadn’t even sang, yet the crowd had gone mad.
George could make you weep when he danced…

“Who is she?” George asked with suppressed interest, looking around the backstage for signs of ‘miss soulful’ He knew she hadn’t left except she had got her full payment before the show. He was still waiting patiently for Dare the organizer of the show to answer his question when she stepped in…
”miss soulful…” He called, beaming like a schoolboy.

“Miss soulful?” she queried, lifting a puzzled brow.

“eh, my mistake. I didn’t get your name when you were introduced…” He stopped briefly to see if Dare was still busy discussing with all the artistes…he was…and he turned back to soulful.

“my name is Tade George. Your voice is heavenly and your performance was awesome. How come we never met before now!”
He stated matter-of-factly looking very serious. She smiled demurely.

“Thank you. I enjoyed watching you too…and my name is Grace. Please tell Dare I’d call him. I think he is very busy at the moment, I need to leave. Thanks.”

She surprised George when she opened her purse and brought out a card which she gave to George.
George thanked her and pocketed the card without even glancing at it.

“I’ll call you.” He murmured as she left.
Just then, his phone rang.
“Hi Rose, I’m at the backstage, I need to sort somethings here, I should be through in 5 minutes…No, don’t leave, we’ll leave together…ok
dear…love you too.”

Bose La’bos Bamidele