If there is one adjective that aptly describes Pelumi Nuni, the adjective would be daring!

The young lady whose hobby is driving and travelling had announced on her IG page on the 25th of January that she would be doing a solo trip from London to Lagos, driving all the way and sleeping in her car!

The announcement had raised brows as many wondered about her safety but daring Pelumi had assured them that she would be fine as she was well prepared.

Pelumi was close to home, after driving through Liberia when she was involved in an accident that destroyed her car and threw her into the hospital stopping her journey.

However, Pelumi was not stopping despite the setback, as soon as she got back on her feet, fixed her car, she got back on the road and days later, she arrived Lagos to a rousing and royal welcome by the state government!

While we may not be trying this now or in the future, this daring lady deserves some accolades!