Tears stung and burned my eyes as I sat in the rickety bug infested bus that would take me to my destination. I shut my eyes tight in denial of the threatening tears, the image of Musa dragging my babies away in his big Land Cruiser kept assaulting me and the tears finally found their escape.

I rummaged through my handbag for my dark handy glasses, it wasn’t there, then I remembered it was in Habeeb’s bag. This time, the tears fell, squeezing their pearly shapes through my eyes. I let it flow, oblivious to the thirteen other passengers, especially the lanky youth Corper whose bulky thigh was pressing my bony one.

I cried for my twelve year old son Habeeb, who had chosen his father over me after meeting him only twice. I just couldn’t shut out the memory of him in Musa’s arms, the gleam in his eyes, I could hear his hidden thoughts “Finally Daddy!”
I cried for my baby Idayat who wept as Musa lifted her and turned her around in the air like a baby. My poor ten year old giggled as Musa continued to tickle her…(Like a baby)

They would be gone for only three weeks…but I was sure my life would never remain the same.

I almost missed my bus stop, the driver was furious as I made him stop suddenly, I said nothing as I alighted. My tears had started all over again, and I had already made the decision to walk the distance home.

Musa who had made me curse the day I was born. Musa who had stolen the good years of my life and made me the bitter, cruel and wounded lioness he ended up tagging a nag.
Musa who had left me when Idayat was barely out of the womb, and married his trophy wife months later… he was back just like that.
The painful part was I looked like an old woman, and he looked like he hadn’t aged a day in all of ten years. He looked so good that I questioned the potency and accuracy of Karma.
Yeah, “Karma is indeed a bitch, a stupid slow witted and useless bitch”
My phone was ringing…it was in my hand, I looked at it, it was Habeeb, My head swirled, my insides turned and everything went blank… 


To Be Continued…


Story by La’bos